Norfolk is at the forefront of cell facilities and its people have a reputation for pioneering mechanisms that assist clients in managing and obtaining cover for corporate risks that are amenable to captive financing.
The senior management team is active and hands-on, delivering high-level interaction for clients at the most senior level of the company.
Norfolk provides personalised service excellence through client-focused, comprehensive solutions and products designed to maximise the returns possible from financing risk in the most efficient manner.
Norfolk provides Quarterly Management Reports that include balance sheet, income statement and underwriting data.
Clients benefit from the economies of scale present in the form of pooled resources, whilst retaining the protection of total isolation from other ‘neighbouring’ cells.
Benefits of Norfolk's Bermudan base span the following:
Bermuda is the oldest and largest captive domicile and one of the top risk financing and insurance centres in the world.
Bermuda is one of seven countries that have US Qualified Jurisdiction Status and one of two countries assessed as being fully equivalent under Solvency II.
The Bermudan corporate environment is well regulated and investor-friendly.
The domicile allows for ease of reinsurance market access.
To find out how these benefits can specifically impact you as a client, please contact us directly.